Subcontractors Portal - Abel Construction Co.

Abel Subcontractors


A company that will provide or perform labor on a project site with or without material, tools and equipment to perform a specific task as a part of the overall project. This classification also includes Testing and/or Consulting firms that will have onsite sampling, testing and commissioning services.

All companies in this classification will perform some type of On-site Labor.

New/Existing Users FAQs


A Company that provides goods or services without providing any Project onsite labor to perform a specific task as part of the overall project. This includes but is not limited to the following:

A manufacturer, distributor, supplier of equipment, parts, raw materials (steel, lumber, concrete, etc.) or businesses that provide services like transportation, packaging, facility maintenance, rental equipment (equipment only, no labor) or commissioning services. This classification includes any other services that don’t fit in the other categories.

These vendors will not perform any on-site trade labor as part of the overall construction or tooling project. If you do, you must refer to Subcontractor.

New/Existing Users FAQs
Subcontractor Process

Before you get started you will need the following information to complete the application:

  • Copy of W-9
  • List of company license numbers
  • List of state sales tax numbers
  • List of state unemployment insurance numbers
  • List of insurance agreements
  • List of current projects
  • List of recently completed projects
  • Current financial statement
  • Insurance information
  • Bank information
  • Dun and Bradstreet information
  • Surety information
  • 3 supplier references
  • 3 contractor references
  • Independent verification letter supporting your EMR for last 3 years
  • OSHA 300 logs from last 3 years
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